Blue Communities in Italy coming soon?

So far, there are no certified Blue Communities in Italy. But this could soon change, as the Centre for International Volunteering CeVI took up the project a year ago. They sent us the following report on the amazing progress they have made since then.

We understand the Blue Communities as a participatory process promoted and animated by its citizens, organizations and entities, that has to be supported by a continuous process of education, training and concrete actions.

During the last year we have promoted a participatory process of advocacy in some possible Blue Communities: the City of Udine, the City of Staranzano (Gorizia), the University of Udine, Madonie Park in Sicily and others. These processes have involved different actors of the territories such as municipality, schools, associations, civil society organizations and citizens in general.

We would like to share with you some materials we have been working on:

  • a website that explains what it is and how to bring a Blue Community to life. The website is in Italian and gathers materials such as thematic information reports, training materials for teachers and press releases.
  • a training course for school teachers that will soon be recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education
  • a video that explains how to start participatory processes to create a Blue Community. The video is in Italian but will soon be available also with English subtitles.
  • a Blue Community Guideline with good practices of participatory processes to activate and consolidate a Blue Community.

We hope to establish a BC global process of exchange to strengthen and guarantee water as a common good.

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