Paris blue, France… a white spot?

When in Paris, drink tap water like the Parisians. In every Parisian restaurant, you can ask for tap water. It’s free ! And Paris is one of the European cities with the most drinking water fountains. Water coolers, 2-in-1 fountains (for drinking and bubbling) or sparkling fountains… You can find the water-points in the city by using the interactive online map

But in the rest of France, six out of ten establishments open to the public still do not have water points. They are not complying with the law, which was enforce in January 2022. In June 2024, 60 volunteers of the NGO No Plastic in my Sea visited 114 establishments – railway stations, airports, large underground stations, shopping centres, etc. – across the country to check, if there is public water available and if they comply with the law. No Plastic In My Sea concluded in a press release:

«This very mixed result shows once again the massive resistance to the reduction in the use of plastic bottles provided for by law. »

Read the report about No Plastic in my Sea on Reporterre

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