Doctors call for more water taps

In a joint press release issued on Wednesday, the Medical Association Ärztekammer Westfalen-Lippe (ÄKWL) and the Chamber of Pharmacists Apothekerkammer Westfalen-Lippe (AKWL) in Germany call for the expansion of public drinking water dispensers. With global temperatures rising and extreme weather conditions becoming more common, the health professionals stress the importance of giving people access to free drinking water. It is important that everyone has the opportunity to drink regularly, not only at home or at work, but also when out and about in public places. It is recommended to drink 1.5 to 2 litres a day – more in hot weather and during periods of high physical activity.

AKWL President Gabriele Regina Overwiening stressed the importance of regular water intake, especially in hot weather, and added:

«If we drink too little water, headaches, concentration problems, tiredness or confusion are some of the typical symptoms of dehydration»

Water is particularly important for brain function. Adequate water intake also supports kidney function, aids digestion and helps regulate body temperature. That is why the chambers want to use posters in surgeries and pharmacies to encourage customers and patients to take good care of their hydration.

Full media release in German


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