«Everybody’s going to need water»

Groundwater Canada reports on the (Wellington) Water Watchers becoming a Blue Community «for its years of promoting water access as a human right and for standing up against the bottled water industry» and refers to the article in the Guelph Mercury Tribune: «Water Watchers recognized for advocacy against bottled water industry», quoting Arlene Slocombe, Water Watcher’s executive director:

«It is low-income people, communities of colour and recent immigrants who disproportionately distrust their tap water and spend the most on bottled water both in absolute terms and as a proportion of their income.»

As a part of its Peoples’ Water Campaign, Water Watchers realized that there are three compounding crises impacting water justice and access: climate, colonialism and capitalism.

Read the article in the Guelph Mercury Tribune and see our previous entries here in the Blue News

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