UK: Flood the Streets! Save the date

It’s time! It’s time to flood the streets. It’s time to #floodthestreets with your rage, your anger, and your disappointment. It’s time to take control. A coalition of the concerned are calling on everyone in the country angry at the state of water to join us to demand that our new government takes urgent action to address the UK’s alarming and dangerous water pollution crisis by marching through Central London on Saturday 26th October. 

The March for Clean Water is coordinated by River Action and Feargal Sharkey in close collaboration with Surfers Against Sewage and major charities and governing bodies including the Clean Water Sports Alliance, British Rowing, British Canoeing, Greenpeace, RSPB, The Women’s Institute, The Wildlife Trusts, Angling Trust, SOS Whitstable, Wildlife and Countryside Link, The Rivers Trust, Ilkley Clean River Group, Soil Association, Windrush Against Sewage Pollution and many local community groups from across the country. 

March for Clean Water, Sat 26th of October 2024, Parliament Square London. Turn your outrage into action.

Quote from River Campaigner Feargal Sharkey:

Quote from Chair and Founder of River Action, Charles Watson:

Stay tuned for updates and visit

Event Date: October 26, 2024

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