What Parisians think about their tap water

The 2024 edition of the public water service Eau de Paris Consumer Barometer confirms the changes in habits that have taken place in recent years. More and more inhabitants of the Blue Community / Blue City of Paris are opting for tap water, going out more often with their water bottles and are more aware of eco-actions to protect the resource.

89% of users are satisfied with the service provided by Eau de Paris and 84% are satisfied with the quality of tap water in Paris. Of those who drink only tap water, 96% are confident of its quality.

At home, 83% of Parisians drink tap water, compared with 79% in 2023. This is a significant increase, although the indicator has been fairly stable for several years. Mixed consumption now accounts for 41% (36% in 2023). Exclusive consumption of bottled water will decrease from 21% to 17%.

Outdoors, one in two people prefers tap water and more than one in four fills their containers at fountains, shops or places of business.

9 out of 10 Parisians have a positive image of the public company, which is particularly appreciated for its ability to make water accessible to as many people as possible and to encourage environmentally responsible behaviour.

The price of water is considered to be normal or cheap (88%) and 87% of respondents believe they have found the answers to their questions, mostly on the Eau de Paris website.

Parisians are well aware of the importance of saving water resources: this year, 58% of users say they are paying more attention to their water consumption, compared with 50% in 2023, and 18% say they have always been careful not to waste water. Just over half think they can continue to reduce their consumption by adopting various eco-actions.

In addition, almost two-thirds (61%) of those questioned said they had reduced their consumption of plastic bottles this year. For a third of them, this change was influenced by Eau de Paris awareness campaigns.

Source: Eau de Paris

Baromètre usagers Eau de Paris 2024.pdf

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