Lawyers acting for victims of Brazil’s worst environmental disaster have said they will pursue their claim in the UK despite the announcement of a $31bn (£23.9bn) settlement between the Anglo-Australian mining company at the centre of the scandal and the Brazilian authorities.
Nineteen people were killed when the dam, near Mariana in south-east Brazil, collapsed on 5 November 2015, releasing an avalanche of toxic waste that overwhelmed the small community of Bento Rodrigues within minutes. It went on to spill into the neighbouring municipalities of Mariana, Barra Longa, Rio Doce and Santa Cruz do Escalvado.
“The English courts have been clear: the trial in England can proceed regardless of events in Brazil despite BHP’s repeated attempts to deny our claimants this rightful avenue to justice. We remain committed to ensuring that victims receive fair and full compensation for the losses suffered.”