Extracting heat from rivers? The Kulturquartier in the German Blue Community / Blue City of Neustrelitz will explain how this works.
In a lecture, the background, risks and implementation possibilities of heat recovery from water bodies will be presented In cooperation with the Blue Community Neustrelitz, Felix Hack will be at the Kulturquartier on Thursday, 21 November at 6 pm. According to the announcement, he will be talking about heat pumps in bodies of water as part of the ‘The future of our water’ series.
The lecture will present the background, risks and implementation possibilities of heat recovery from bodies of water. MVV Umwelt GmbH was one of the first heat suppliers in Germany to put a river water heat pump into operation in 2023 as part of the subsidised ‘Large-scale heat pumps in district heating networks’ real-world laboratory.
Felix Hack is a project developer for district heating at MVV Umwelt GmbH and is in charge of the river water heat pump project in Mannheim. He completed his studies in industrial engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and conducted extensive research in the field of energy systems. He has been working in the district heating projects division at MVV Umwelt since 2020.
There will also be music
The event will be accompanied by music from Mario Schlosser, Annette Wizisla and Suse Carver. Mario Schlosser composes short pieces of music about water. Annette Wizisla is a virtuoso pianist and sings in several languages. Susanne Carver is a songwriter and musician. She will be performing her song ‘Baltic Sea’ from her EP ‘Countryside Get-Together’ as a guest singer with Annette Wizisla.
Admission is free. Registration is not necessary.