News from RadioChico in Mali

From the Blue Community Réseau Ecole RadioChico in Mali, we received this update:

It was born in a more complex context, where the country was living in a situation of water crisis.
With the main objective of protecting the environment, the Blue Community of the RadioChico MALI network of schools has been in full swing since its creation.
First of all, the RadioChico MALI school network has created an interregional and continental platform.
This platform brings together 7 countries in (French-speaking) West Africa, each country working in its own way.

The countries involved are: Mali, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Togo, Burkina Faso, Senegal and Benin.
Key activities:
*Planting trees on the land to protect nature and provide sufficient water.
*Raising public awareness of the right to water
*Participating in various national and international Blue Community activities
*Training members on Blue Community and other models.
*Broadcasting on water with children and young people
*Presenting sketches in schools.

Here a training session scheduled next:

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