The Blue Community / Blue City of Paris might put an end to plastic bottles in public spaces. Committed to a “zero plastic” policy, the municipal majority is under pressure from its left-wing opposition to go further and ban the sale of plastic bottles in all public spaces in Paris. A request made at the last meeting of the Paris City Council has been taken up by the executive.
Will Paris succeed in eliminating plastic bottles from its public spaces? The city, which has been committed to a “zero plastic” strategy since the preparations for the Olympic and Paralympic Games (OPG), has already banned single-use plastics from all its running events this autumn, including the Paris 20 km and the Paris Marathon.
“You won’t be able to organise a race if you use plastic bottles, it’s as simple as that,” rejoiced Pierre Rabadan, Deputy Mayor (PS) in charge of Sport, the Olympic and Paralympic Games and the Seine, in the columns of L’Équipe at the time.