The German Heinrich Böll Stiftung is publishing a Water Atlas. Facts and figures about the basis of all life:
Water covers two-thirds of the Earth, is essential for life, and has always shaped culture, the environment and humanity. But this essential resource is under threat: overuse, pollution and the climate crisis are destabilising the water cycle. The Water Atlas 2025 focuses the public debate on the protection of our waters.
In 22 articles and dozens of infographics, the Water Atlas 2025 takes a close look at the alarming trend: groundwater levels are falling, drinking water supplies and ecosystems are at risk. Industry, agriculture and our growing demand for resources are putting considerable pressure on water quality. Microplastics, chemicals and pesticides threaten people and nature alike. Extreme weather events such as droughts and floods are on the increase. Disadvantaged regions are particularly affected, exacerbating social tensions and conflicts.
The links between water and climate are complex and often poorly understood. The term ‘water blindness’ describes the lack of awareness of the impact of climate change on water. Although many people consider water to be worth protecting, there is a lack of focus and determined implementation of protective measures. The Water Atlas 2025 raises awareness of these challenges and shows concrete approaches to sustainable water use.
The Water Atlas 2025 highlights the need for preventive water protection, stricter political regulations, incentives for water-efficient production and cross-border cooperation. International agreements such as the UN Water Conferences offer opportunities to develop and implement solutions. It’s time to act: decisive action can protect the basis of all life.
Source (and free order of the Water Atlas 2025): Heinrich Böll Stiftung (German)