An article titled “SA needs Israel to open the floodgates”, published in the Jewish Report recently brought to light Israel’s concerns regarding South Africa’s worsening water crisis.
So much so that an Israeli water expert and researcher from the Ben Gurion University of the Negev visited the country to share his expertise. According to the article, South Africa would benefit from collaborating with Israel to achieve water security since Israel is itself a water scarce country.
The expert referenced Israel’s numerous water projects, all of which are aimed at advancing Israel’s ability to become a global water superpower. One such project is the National Water Carrier which transports water from the Sea of Galilee to the Negev Desert and which ensures that water reaches every corner of the country, even arid regions.
That would be great if it was true. It is ironic that a so-called water expert is concerned about South Africans while being fully aware and complicit in his own country’s total disregard of the Palestinians’ right to have access to their own water.