New Blue Community: Save the Caspian Sea!

The Caspian Sea, the world’s largest enclosed body of water, is facing an environmental collapse. Once a thriving ecosystem, it is now shrinking at an alarming rate due to rising temperatures, pollution, and decades of industrial exploitation.

Oil giants and others have profited from the resources in and around the sea while leaving behind devastation—oil spills, habitat destruction, and poisoned waters. This is not just an ecological disaster; it’s a human crisis.

Communities who depend on the sea for their livelihoods are paying the price for corporate greed and environmental neglect.

The Save the Caspian Sea campaign is calling for urgent action to hold polluting corporations accountable, protect fragile ecosystems, and ensure the sea’s survival for generations to come. The Save the Caspian Sea campaign brings together NGOs, activists, and concerned citizens to address the root causes of this crisis. With a team of activists dedicated to making a significant contribution to the preservation of the Caspian Sea’s ecology, Save the Caspian Sea is working on raising awareness and developing solutions to protect this unique water body and its ecosystem.

Vadim Ni, a leading environmental activist and the founder of the Save the Caspian Sea movement, has a background in ecological policy and grassroots mobilization. Vadim has been at the forefront of advocacy for sustainable development in Central Asia. His vision for the campaign is rooted in empowering local communities and holding corporations accountable for environmental degradation.

Now, Save the Caspian Sea joins the Blue Community. Vadim Ni states:

«The Blue Community is a wonderful and crucial initiative. By fostering global cooperation, it helps promote the protection and sustainable use of water resources, raises awareness about water conservation, and encourages responsible water management practices at the local and international levels.»

The Blue Community welcomes Save the Caspian Sea as new affiliate and is happy to support its efforts through the global network. Maude Barlow, co-founder of the Blue Community, says:

«For the first time, a Blue Community on the Asian Continent joins our network. This is so exiting, and there is so much to do. All my best wishes and a very warm welcome to Save the Caspian Sea! We look forward to working together on this critical issue. Uniting our forces and coming together, we can make a difference and turn the world blue.»

Meet Save the Caspian Sea on their website – and find information about the Caspian Sea in our Blue News.

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