SRWatSan Calls For Input

Pedro Arrojo Agudo, the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to water and sanitation, sent out a Call for Input for Non-State Actors – Democratic water governance under a human rights-based approach.

Deadline: 28 February 2025

Purpose: To inform the Special Rapporteur’s report on “Democratic water governance under a human rights-based approach”, to be presented at the 80th session of the United Nations General Assembly, in October 2025.

In the context of the United Nations Water Conference 2026 conveyed by the United Nations General Assembly (resolution A/RES/77/334), and following the priorities established by the Special Rapporteur in his first report (A/HRC/48/50) in which he identified democratic water governance as a key factor for the effective realization of the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation, the Special Rapporteur aims to focus his thematic reports in 2025 and 2026 on clarifying and developing the necessary measures to advance democratic water governance under a sustainable, human rights-based approach, and at different scales. For that purpose, the Special Rapporteur will focus his 2025 report to the General Assembly on the challenges of water management and governance on the ground, attending the local, sub-regional, and national levels. His report in 2026 will then focus on global water governance, the challenges to be faced and reforms to be promoted at the United Nations.

Non-state actors, including water operators, civil society organizations (global, regional, and local), community-based organizations, Indigenous Peoples, peasants, women, youth, academia, individuals, and others, are asked to kindly contribute to this Call for Input.

Further details on the website of the OHCHR

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