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UNEP: Beat Waste Pollution

Waste pollution is a growing crisis, but understanding it is the first step to action. Explore the UN Environment Programme UNEP’s interactive page to learn about the types, impacts, and solutions to ...Read More

Action Alerts! 💧 Protect Water

The Canadian Blue Community Water Watchers invites you to take action: There’s never a better moment to act than right now.  Today is the day to do something. Find several ways you can take acti...Read More

Water Business in Davos, Switzerland

In a press release, the Italian water company acea communicated the launch of its “Water Alliance”. The statement reads: Acea  CEO  Fabrizio Palermo is in Davos today to participate in the...Read More

Water, a luxury in Coyoacán, México

Water shortages in the Culhuacanes and Santo Domingo areas of the municipality of Coyoacán, Mexico, have reached critical levels, leaving families in alarming conditions. Faced with this situation, me...Read More

India: Industrial Area Causes Concerns 

Documents reviewed by India’s Deccan Herald reveal that the proposed industrial area, accommodating red, orange, and green category industries, will span 420.63 acres within the Zone-1 catchment...Read More

Thames shouldn’t be rewarded

‪The British Blue Community ‘We Own It‬’ calls for action: ⏰ The Govt have under 2 weeks to block the bailout of Thames Water. 📑25,000 people have signed the petition to take Thames Water ...Read More

Coastal Communities: Climate & Sewage

Storm surges and sea-level rise damage sanitation systems and threaten ecosystems and human health. We need to take this risk seriously. As rising sea levels and climate change-induced storms batter c...Read More

Canada: No Water in Shamattawa

The Shamattawa First Nation in Canada’s northern Manitoba, which has been without drinking water for a week, has been forced to close its school and nursing station. The community has been under...Read More

Paraguay: Works That Transform Lives

The government of Paraguay, led by President Santiago Peña, continues to fulfil its commitment to bring dignity and well-being to the country’s indigenous communities. Through the Paraguayan Ind...Read More

Sudan: Omdourman Water Shortage

Picture: Sudanese queue for drinking water from a well in the town of Omdourman, north of the Sudanese capital Khartoum, on 18 January 2025. Khartoum has been hit by power and water cuts for more than...Read More

Maharashtra villages struggle to get water

Households in India’s rural Maharashtra complain of having to pay water charges and also spend on buying water from private operators to meet their basic needs: ‘Scam to make contractors rich’. ...Read More

Plastics: River Sedimentation shifted

Rivers have never been as diverse as they are today, with human activities influencing their morphologies and contents. Catherine Russell discusses recent research that founds a crucial new sub-branch...Read More

Thailand: More Tap Water to Drink

Thailand’s Public Health Ministry plans to have 1,750 more village tap-water plants meet hygiene standards this year after the ministry found that only 420 of all villages nationwide have tap wa...Read More

Nuclear Cooling in Switzerland

New publication: “From cooling water war to cooling towers: Transnational water diplomacy for the allocation of nuclear cooling on the Aare and Rhine Rivers, 1965-1972”, by Alicia Gutting....Read More

Paradigms: The Indus Waters Treaty

New publication: “Rational and relational paradigms: A case study of the Indus Basin”, by Medha Bisht, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations, South Asian University, N...Read More

Secrets revealed by melting Swiss glaciers

Melting glaciers caused by global warming release largely unknown bacteria and viruses into the environment. These microorganisms could help us tackle some major global problems, from plastic pollutio...Read More

Corruption, pollution and repression

Corruption, pollution and repression: how Dutch companies profit from Kazakhstan’s toxic oil industry. Since the sanctions on Russian oil, the Netherlands has become heavily dependent on Kazakh oil. D...Read More

Turkey: Deep-Sea Discharge Project

New publication: “The Deep-Sea Discharge Project and the failure of environmental conservation in the Ergene Basin, Turkey” by Semra Ocak and A.K. Sayse.  ABSTRACT: The success of environm...Read More

Costa Rica: Decree on Water Quality

The Costa Rican College of Chemists has decided to support the government in its proposal to revise the drinking water quality regulations, including a “systematic analysis of the use of pestici...Read More

Sydney: Faecal and fat balls on beaches

It’s the height of summer down-under in Sydney, a time when tourists and locals are usually flocking to the city’s famous beaches. But nine beaches were shut to the public this week – including well-k...Read More

Dream of Drinking Water to Come True

For the inhabitants of El Playón and Mampuján, the dream of having drinking water shall finally come true in 2025. The people of San José de El Playón and Mampuján, districts of Bolivia’s munici...Read More

Devastating Fish Kill South of Karratha

Fisheries officers are investigating a fish kill after 30,000 fish of various species were found dead on Australia’s Gnoorea Beach, about 1,500 kilometres north of Perth, late last week. A local...Read More

South Sudan: New boreholes for Camp

New boreholes at Twic displacement camp help improve living conditions. Access to safe drinking water is not just a necessity; it’s a fundamental right that enables families to raise healthy individua...Read More

Iraq: Drought in the Land of Plenty

Historically known as the land of the two rivers—the Tigris and the Euphrates, modern-day Iraq was the cradle of human civilization. The fertile soils of its rivers were where early humans first start...Read More