
Volunteering for Water Security

Water insecurity in Africa is deeply intertwined with issues of access, equity and governance. These challenges are further exacerbated by climate change, which is altering precipitation patterns and ...

Water crisis in Port Sudan

Residents in Port Sudan, the capital of the Red Sea State in eastern Sudan, are grappling with a severe drinking water crisis following the collapse of the Arbaat Dam in August and an influx of displa...

Water Governance in the Lake Chad Basin

“Paradiplomacy and the Governors’ Forum: Rethinking transboundary water governance in the Lake Chad Basin”, a new paper published in Water Alternatives. Ifeanyichukwu Azuka Aniyie, Faculty...

Water for the Central African Republic

The need for electricity and drinking water is crucial for the population. African countries are struggling to fully meet these needs. The history of the Central African Republic (CAR) remains marked ...

Africa: Global warming & water

“The Effect of Global Warming on Water Resources in Africa” by Oluwatosin Abidemi OGUNKALU from the Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, Faulty of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, Nigd...

African Countries Battling Disasters

From Malawi to Namibia, drought has decimated southern African farms, with millions going hungry and the risk of floods in 2025. Five countries in the region have declared national drought disasters: ...

Ivory Coast: Access to Drinking Water

In Grand-Lahou, in Ivory Coasts’ (Côte d’Ivoire) Grands-Ponts region, only 50% of the population had access to drinking water. In some areas, the taps were dry all year round. People had t...

Bullshit in Africa’s water governance

Juste Nanci, Country Director for the IRC in Burkina Faso and Director of the African Regional Programme, does not hold back in his article: “Bullshit in Africa’s water governance: Understanding...

African Water Vision 2025

Improved access to clean water and sanitation in Africa (African Water Vision 2025) on WikiFreedom: The history of the African water crisis can be traced back to colonialism when European powers explo...