
Bolivia: The Shadow of Mercury

The shadow of mercury: Charque’s fight against mining pollution in the Bolivian Amazon. After a two-hour boat ride on the Beni River from the port of Rurrenabaque and a 20-minute walk through th...

Peru: Communities without water

Despite government efforts, many rural communities in Loreto, Peru’s northernmost region covering almost one-third of Peru’s territory, are still lack access to drinking water and sanitati...

Time Of Water: Protect The Amazon

The Time Of Water: An Alliance To Protect The Amazon Rainforest. YURIMAGUAS, Peru – The Sacred Headwaters Alliance brings together thirty Indigenous nations of the upper Amazon in Ecuador and Peru, wh...

Threats of Andes glacier melting

A new study found that Andean tropical glaciers have reached their lowest levels in 11,700 years, with drastic consequences for the Amazon due to the overlap of the two ecosystems. The findings come t...

Brazil: Justice Voids Belo Sun Concession

In a major victory for the communities of the Amazon’s Volta Grande do Xingu, a judge’s ruling annulled the Canadian mining company’s contract with Brazil’s Land Reform Institute, Amazon Watch reports...

Horrifying desiccation of the Amazon

A planet in collapse: the Amazon Basin. An infographic by Sumauma Journal shows river levels at record lows in what is usually one of the planet’s great sources of freshwater, as the vast rainforest b...

A just transition for the Amazon?

The Amazon Rainforest plays a crucial role in global sustainability due to its unparalleled socio-biodiversity and role in climate regulation. But deforestation, illegal mining, unregulated agricultur...

Venezuela: Gold mining in Amazonia

The Amazon region in Venezuela is plagued by human rights abuses and biodiversity loss. The Venezuelan NGO SOS Orinoco, together with five other organisations working in Amazonian countries (Bolivia, ...