
Latin America in 2024: … and hope?!

Politics, turmoil and hope… In 2024, Latin America continued facing chronic issues of deforestation, ecosystem contamination, violence, habitat loss and political turmoil. Changes brought on by ...

Crime of Aggravated Fluid Fraud

In Bogota’s Teusaquillo district, Colombia, a hotel was discovered stealing drinking water: Acueducto reports more cases in 2024. According to the authorities, water theft has occurred in places...

Penalties for Excessive Water Consumption

In Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, water is scarce due to the lack of rainfall. ‘Disincentives’ have been introduced to encourage water saving. Now, the Bogotá Water and Sewerage Company ...

Colombia: Up to 70% water loss

Obsolete distribution networks and irregular connections lead to losses of up to 70% of drinking water in municipalities of the city of Córdoba in northern Colombia, affecting the continuity of servic...

Colombia runs dry. Strict limits imposed

The regulations of the Commission for the Regulation of Drinking Water and Basic Sanitation (CRA) will establish strict limits to protect a resource that is in crisis. Infobae has the details on the n...

Bogotá’s Water Rationing is a Preview

In Colombia, climate change, coupled with deforestation in the Amazon and El Niño weather patterns that have become more intense, has caused a punishing and prolonged drought. The San Rafael reservoir...

Colombia: Alta Guajira gets drinking water

Colombia’s Minister of Housing, Cities and Territories, Helga Rivas Ardila, the Deputy Minister of Water, Edward Libreros, and members of the sector team announced that, for the first time in th...

Water Business in Latin America

Weak controls, weak regulations and corporate lobbying combine to allow companies producing the ultra-processed food (UPF)  in the region’s four largest economies to consume large amounts of wat...

Colombia’s Guayuriba river-basin

New publication: “Perpetual planning: Expertise, uncertainty, and the politics of delay in Colombia’s Guayuriba river-basin” by Parisa Nourani Rinaldi, María Cecilia Roa-García, and ...

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