In the East Ward of Kabondo village in Kenya, the scarcity of clean and safe drinking water is not merely a daily inconvenience, but a full-on crisis that robs the community of its future. While the n...
Over two billion people lack access to safe drinking water – and the situation is set to become bleaker still due to climate change. How do we build equitable and collective approaches to global water...
Water is life. For Forzohn, a small rural town in Liberia’s lower Margibi County that heavily depends on a creek that glimmers deceptively under the sun, it is a source of sickness and despair f...
The Canadian winner of this year’s Nobel Prize in physics is pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars from his winnings into a small Ontario-based organization. Geoffrey Hinton, a so-called godf...
The Tulane Institute on Water Resources Law & Policy published an important new report: “A glass Half Empty of Promises: Water as a Human Right in the Americas”. It gives a detailed in...
The Indian daily newspaper The Hindu writes in its editorial “on Indian cities and unsafe drinking water” and demands: “Governments need to ensure safety of piped supply of water whi...
In Zamora Chinchipe, located in Ecuador’s South-East, hundreds of families still depend on rivers and springs for their survival. The lack of drinking water coverage, which in some areas barely ...
“Over 400 Rohingya Families in Jammu & Kashmir Face Power and Water Supply Cuts”, Shia Waves publishes based on agency news: Authorities in Indian-administered Kashmir have ordered the...
Closing the gaps in access to drinking water and sanitation networks is one of the main tasks of Peru’s National Executive. In the Southern Macro Region, 169 thousand people do not have access t...