Since the University of Bern became a Blue Community as the worldwide first university in September 2013, many other universities and colleges have joined. Universities and colleges form their own cluster within the Blue Community network. These universities are Blue Communities as institution. At some universities, however, specific departments are additionally involved. At the University of Zurich for example, these are the Department of Geography, Hydrology and Climate, the Commission for Sustainability with the UZH Sustainability Team and the UZH Center for Human Rights Studies (MRZ).
For Blue News from Blue Universities on our website see here.
- UCLouvain, Saint-Louis Brussels
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná
- Universidade Federal de Lavras
- Brescia University College, Ontario (as from May 1st, 2024, part of Western)
- Cegep de Saint-Jérôme, Québec
- Huron University College, London, Ontario
- McGill University, Québec
- University of St. Michael’s College, in the University of Toronto
- St. Paul University, Ottawa
In France, a Université Bleu project is in the making, involving the Sorbonne in Paris and other universities.
- Philipps-Universität, Marburg
- Universidad de Leon
- University of Bern (September 2013)
- University of St. Gallen (September 2016) (see here)
- St. Gallen University of Teacher Education
- Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (September 2016)
- University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons (July 2018)
- University of Zurich (May 2022) (see here)
- Eawag, the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (May 2024)
- The Blue University network is open to all universities and colleges committing to the Blue Community. We welcome new members to the network. Contact the Blue University Network by Mail here.
Further information
- BLUE UNIVERSITIES IN PRACTICE. How do universities implement the principles to which they have committed as Blue University? Here are some concrete examples from university practice.
- Database on water related projects, research and lectures done by Blue Universities
- Summary of the second international Blue University exchange on April 8, 2024 (PDF)
- Short summary/minutes of the first international Blue University exchange on October 23, 2023 (PDF)