Why to join the Blue Community?

The Blue Community is not an organization or institution. It has no legal status, no membership, no fees, no headquarter.

The global Blue Community is a network of Blue Communities, cities and villages, universities and schools, companies and NGO, faith-based organizations and trade unions, even museums and radio stations. Each single one of them is a Blue Community as an independent institution / organization. So yes, everybody can become a Blue Community, just by committing to the core values and pledges of the Blue Community (see here).

As an affiliate in the network, you can participate and contribute, for example with the regular exchange of Blue Universities etc. All your activities can be published and promoted on this website and through the social media channels. The network amplifies your work and your contribution to our common mission.

How to become a Blue Community?

To become a Blue Community, take the internal decisions to sign the core pledges of the Blue Community, and send us your commitment.

You can use the online form (English) to do so. Or you can download the template for a possible commitment here (Wordfile, also in French: Engagement envers la Communauté Bleue) and send it by email. We will discuss your commitment, eventually come back to you with questions or further requests, and once all done, we will proceed your certificate.

Eventually, the certificate for your affiliation to the Blue Community network will be handed over with a small ceremony (on site or online), once you make your affiliation to the network public. And we will include you in the list of Blue Communities and on our Blue Map.

Any question? Or ready to send your commitment? Here we are.

You need some more arguments to join? Maybe these thoughts by Roland Brunner may help.

A more detailed description step by step you may find here.